Healthier SG Chronic Tier
To ensure affordability of common chronic medications at GP clinics and polyclinics, the Healthier SG Chronic Tier takes effect from 1 February 2024. Under this subsidy framework, selected common chronic medications are offered to residents enrolled at Healthier SG GP clinics at subsidised rates comparable to polyclinics. The subsidies apply for treatment of chronic conditions only at the enrolled clinic.
Under the Healthier SG subsidy framework, all Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS), Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders can get Healthier SG Chronic Tier subsidies for medications on the Healthier SG Medication List at their enrolled clinic.
For most Singaporean patients, the cost of medications for chronic diseases at their enrolled GP clinic is already covered under CHAS. The Healthier SG Chronic Tier will benefit CHAS/PG/MG cardholders with higher medication needs and whose bills may exceed the current CHAS annual subsidy limits. Our professional and knowledgable doctors will discuss with you if the Healthier SG Chronic Tier is suitable for your medication needs.
You can use only one subsidy framework at each visit, either the CHAS Chronic Tier or the Healthier SG Chronic Tier. You can alternate between the two subsidy frameworks to cater for any future changes in medication needs. The remaining balance in the annual dollar subsidy will be pro-rated at your next visit when you switch between subsidy frameworks. This is to account for the difference in annual limits between the two subsidy frameworks.
Fret not!! Visit any of 57 Medical Branches and our doctors will let you know which is the better option for you today!!!

Healthier SG
"A Healthier You"

Am I eligible?
Starting from 5 July 2023, the Healthier SG enrolment programme will begin with Singapore Citizens and PRs aged 60 yrs and above. Eligible residents will be progressively invited via SMS to enrol with a Healthier SG clinic or polyclinic.
Those aged 40 to 59 years will be invited on a later date.
If you have not received the SMS but are eligible under these conditions, contact us and we can register you directly in our clinics to enjoy the Healthier SG Benefits.
> 40 years old with chronic diseases
> 40 years old staying in the same household whose family members > 60 years old who have received the SMS and enrolled with our clinic
< 40 years old with chronic diseases who are with our clinic and eligible for Care Plus Fees in 2022/2023
Free Personalised
Health Plan
Create a free personalised Health Plan with our resident doctor tailored just for you for a healthy lifestyle, regular health screenings and vaccinations
$20 worth of Healthpoints
Earn 3000 HealthPoints worth $20 of vouchers through the Healthy365 app right after your first FREE consultation with us
Healthier SG Chronic Tier
Starting from early 2024, CHAS cardholders who have significant medication expenses can opt to select the Healthier SG Chronic Tier and receive subsidies of up to 87.5% on whitelisted chronic medications
Get fully-subsidised nationally-recommended screenings and vaccinations (for Singapore Citizens)
Chronic Disease Management Programme
Starting from early 2024, Singapore residents enrolled in the Chronic Disease Management Programme will be able to utilise their Medisave for payment of treatment without any cash co-payment